Burns/roe Informal Reading Inventory, Preprimer to Twelfth Grade

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 · 35 ratings  · 3 reviews
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This text is an excellent assessment resource for a reading specialist, special education instructor, and full general instruction teacher. The text provides assessments to detect the instructional level, independent level, and frustration level of each of your students in the areas of comprehension. The results of the assessments volition allow you to plan accordingly for your educatee's levels. Although fourth dimension consuming, the amount of valuable data you will acquire about your students will become a long mode. This text is an excellent assessment resource for a reading specialist, special education teacher, and general education instructor. The text provides assessments to find the instructional level, independent level, and frustration level of each of your students in the areas of comprehension. The results of the assessments volition allow you to program appropriately for your student's levels. Although fourth dimension consuming, the amount of valuable information yous will learn about your students will go a long fashion. ...more
Jen Munnerlyn
Nosotros accept two copies of this guide. I'm not real sure what to exercise with it as it seems like another DRA-like reading assessment. We have 2 copies of this guide. I'thou non real sure what to do with it as information technology seems like another DRA-similar reading assessment. ...more
Kim Bowman
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Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7347840-informal-reading-inventory

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