Best Place to Put Dog Crate in House

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Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Location
  • Where Non to Put the Crate
    • Near Poisonous Plants
    • In Walkways
    • Too Far from Family
    • Virtually Power Cords
    • In Direct Heat or Freezing Temperatures
    • Out in the Open
  • Where to Put the Crate
    • Close to Family
    • Out of Paths
    • Where They Ordinarily Relax
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs
    • Where Should I Put My Puppy'south Crate at Dark?
    • Should I Leave Food and H2o in My Puppy'due south Crate?
    • How Long Should Dogs Be Crated?
  • Resources

I've seen friends and family members handle dog crates very differently over the grade of my life.

My family didn't mind moving it around. Sometimes it was in a bedroom, the living room, or even the screened in porch if nosotros were hanging around out there in the evening.

Some of my friends would continue their dog crates in the exact same spot for yr, thinking information technology was incorrect to disturb their domestic dog's routine in one case they got used to being crated in a certain spot.

Information technology all makes me wonder where a domestic dog crate should be put in the house.

Does it brand that much of a divergence to the dog?

Hither's what I've found out about crate placement and what every domestic dog owner should know.

The Importance of Location

Let me just start out by saying that the location of your dog'south crate is actually important, especially when they're young.

Immature puppies need to be crate trained, which can be a traumatic experience if it'south not washed correctly.

They've lived with their siblings and mom up until you bring them abode, and then when they're put in their crate, they're all alone.

Where Not to Put the Crate

If you're confused near where a crate should become, the best thing to learn first is where information technology definitely shouldn't go.

About Poisonous Plants

Ficus Lyrata Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree next to dog crate location safe poisonous plants
A ficus, for instance, can cause GI tract irritation, resulting in a very messy crate!

No 1 would always knowingly put a puppy or a domestic dog near something poisonous, but new dog owners may not think to check the plants in their abode.

Some plants are poisonous to dogs[1], just are also common houseplants, which may make some owners presume that they're safe effectually animals.

Brand certain that whatever plants, particularly the poisonous ones, are out of accomplish of your dog.

This includes whatsoever that are sitting on shelves, side tables, or the floor well-nigh the crate. Puppies beloved to attain through crate bars and chew on any they can achieve.

Past the way, information technology's a adept thought to call up most what your pooch will chew on when you put stuff within the crate, too!

In Walkways

You may think that a popular walkway is a adept place for your domestic dog'southward crate, simply that'southward really not true[2].

Dogs who aren't entirely crate trained volition think that every person walking past is about to let them out and they'll exist fifty-fifty more upset when that doesn't happen. This can be brutal.

This tin also atomic number 82 to whining, which is unpleasant for all parties concerned.

Or worse, your dog can start escaping his crate and getting into more problem.

Crates in walkways are also a traffic hazard for your home.

It's better to detect a skilful place against a wall, rather than putting the crate right where people walk.

Places to avoid putting dog crate creepy abandoned hallway far from family
If it looks similar a horror movie ready, don't make Fido sleep there!

Besides Far from Family unit

Even though the crate shouldn't be in walkways, it also shouldn't be too far from family.

Effigy out where the nigh isolated areas of your home are and avoid them.

The crate should exist somewhere where your dog tin can meet people so they don't experience so alone.

Near Power Cords

Dogs and puppies will also get curious about any power cords nearly their crate if they're bored plenty.

Prevent them from chewing on whatever cords, plugged in or not, past removing them from around the crate or avoiding them entirely.

Having trouble assembling your dog crate? Bank check out our how-to guide

In Direct Oestrus or Freezing Temperatures

Dog crate safe location avoid sun heat cold blowing air extreme temperatures How would you experience if y'all had to sit in ane spot in direct sunlight for hours at a time?

Dogs get overheated and sunburnt too, and then don't put the crate right below a window. You should also be wary of fireplaces and radiators.

Crates should as well not get where freezing air seeps into the house or correct side by side to a blowing air vent (nigh of the fourth dimension).

The temperature inside your dog's crate should always be comfortable.

Out in the Open up

Just similar putting your dog's crate in walkways, if y'all put it in the middle of your living room, your domestic dog will constantly be stimulated by normal family unit activity and won't become the peace he needs.

Not to mention some of those big, heavy duty crates can be an eyesore. If you've got an cease table dog crate, exist sure to put it in a room that doesn't get a lot of traffic.

Where to Put the Crate

Now that you know some crate dangers and where it definitely shouldn't be placed, it'll be easier to identify the correct place to put your dog's crate in your home.

Close to Family unit

Dogs of all ages want to be included in whatever's going on, especially when they're in their crate[iii].

That's why it'southward smart to place the crate shut to family.

This may mean putting it in a corner of your living room or bedroom.

Whatsoever room in the business firm is used the nigh, they'll exist much more comfy seeing everyone.

Out of Paths

While your dog wants to exist shut to family, they as well don't want people bumping into their crate.

That's why yous should put the crate somewhere it won't be stumbled into.

Next to the couch, bed, or other seating is a proficient idea if y'all don't want them against a wall.

Where They Normally Relax

Good location for dog crate comfortable relaxing location next to family

Where does your dog normally hang out?

When my parents' dog was just a puppy, she loved to fall asleep on air vents.

They put her crate next to one of her two favorite vents, so she felt at home.

Yous can practice the same with your dog'southward crate. Place it where they relax, hang out, or lookout man people during the day.

They'll feel much more comfortable if information technology's situated in a place that they already approve of.


There'southward no one right answer for where a dog's crate should be.

Information technology'll depend on the dog that's being crated and what kind of dwelling yous live in.

Equally long equally you're aware of any potential crate dangers in unlike areas of your home, you'll easily effigy out where the best place for their crate will be.


Where Should I Put My Puppy'southward Crate at Dark?

Your puppy's crate should always be in your bedroom at dark.

Feeling lonely is scary enough for them, merely it'south terrifying when they're alone in the nighttime.

They'll slumber much improve knowing that you're just beyond their crate.

Should I Get out Nutrient and Water in My Puppy'south Crate?

It's a expert thought to not put food or water in your puppy's crate.

Both will make them accept potty accidents in their crate and opposite their training.

E'er allow your puppy swallow, drink, then go to the bathroom outside before crating them.

How Long Should Dogs Exist Crated?

Puppies can just agree their float for one hr for every month old they are.

When Maggie was 2 months old, she had to pee every 60 minutes or two.

That means puppies should never exist crated for more than an hour or ii at a time.

This time period tin get longer as they get older, only no dog should be crated longer than six to eight hours at nigh.


  1. https://world wide


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